Taupo, located on the edge of Lake Taupo in the centre of the North Island and the largest freshwater volcanic…
Tropical Garden Idea
Ordinary gardens nowadays don’t give enough effect or life in the surroundings. There are different kinds of garden and one…
Aberdare National Park
On the slopes of the Aberdare Ranges stands a giant Mugumo (fig) tree whose look can tell of its long…
Benefits of New Balance Running Shoes
Of late, many fitness enthusiasts take to running. New Balance’s running shoes traditionally has the reputation of backing runners. The…
Keeping Dinosaur Eels (Bichirs) In Tropical Freshwater Fish Tanks or Aquariums
Dinosaur eel The dinosaur eel is the common name for the Grey Bichir, Polypterus Senegalus, though it is a fish…
All About Anik Singal and Mike Filsaime’s Launch Tree Review
Two great Internet Marketing enthusiasts, Mike Filsaime and Anik Singal, launched a new internet marketing product that took the market…
5 Things To Know When Investing in the Right Type of Running Shoes
As far as running is concerned, wearing the right type of footwear is paramount. But choosing the right pair of…
Touring the West Coast of South Africa
The West Coast of South Africa is an alluring place that holds a special magic that remains with you long…
Family Summer Activities And Attractions In Taupo
If you are heading to a Taupo holiday park for your annual break you’ll find there are plenty of activities…
Saint Lucia – The Chocoholics Tropical Paradise
Saint Lucia is a tropical island located in the eastern Caribbean sea near the boundary of the Atlantic ocean. With…