- Tropical

Grand Cayman Islands to Take a Hit from Tropical Storm Gamma

The Grand Cayman Islands generally known for their offshore banking accounts is going to take yet another hit this record breaking 2005 Tropical Hurricane Season. This time from late season Greek Alphabet Tropical Storm Gamma, which is quite a large system and growing. It may even reach Hurricane Status. But whether that happens or not is immaterial as it is moving very slowing at about 5 miles per hour, with sustained winds of 50 miles per hour.

The Grand Cayman Islands will be in Tropical Storm or Hurricane Gamma Wake for at least 5 days and she is expected to take on 18-22 inches of rain. One has to wonder if the Island itself will not wash away with all the rain they have gotten this season. Consider also what about all that offshore money? Is your money safe in the Grand Cayman offshore account or will it be soggy if you withdraw it? If the Island washes away, what about all your money, will it too be drown?

The Grand Cayman bankers tell us that our money is safe there and not to worry, yet one has to wonder if they lose that little ledger with al those numbered accounts, if they will lose any record of your deposit? Meanwhile Mother Nature is planning on making a little deposit of her own in the form of torrential rains and massive flooding and potentially more Hurricane force winds? Something to think about, as your hard earned money becomes watered down and then blows away? Think on it.